Here are some fun facts you might not know about water.
- Up to 60% of the human body is water, the brain is composed of 70% water, and the lungs are nearly 90% water.
- Our brains do not register that we are thirsty until we are already 1 quart low.
- When we reach for food, our bodies often actually need water.
- Flavored waters are not all they claim to be. Imitation sweeteners stimulate your brain to want more sweets. Try adding a squeeze of lemon or lime instead.
- When we are low on water (dehydrated), we get crabby and are not as productive. Optimum performance comes with staying hydrated.
Use these fun facts to help you stay motivated to drink plenty of water every day.
Write each fact as an ACTION ITEM on a sticky note and paste them up around your home, office and car as reminders:
- Fill-up! Our bodies thrive on water. (stick on car dashboard)
- Thirsty? Already 1 quart low. Drink water now! (stick on computer monitor)
- Hungry? Need water first. Start with a glass of water! (stick to fridge door)
- Add a squeeze of lemon or lime to this glass and toast your health. (stick near water faucet.)
- Be your best. Drink water! (stick on bathroom mirror)
Goal: 8 glasses of water per day.