Massage therapy is a great way to help relieve stress in the body and improve your overall well being. Our massage therapist, LeAnna is trained in many modalities of massage therapy. She is trained to help reduce tension within the…
Slips & Falls
Slips and falls are very common this time of year with all of the snow and ice. You can be on the ground before you even know it! If you end up in this situation call the office to make…
Stress Relief With Chiropractic Care & Massage
There are countless amounts of stress these days and we are here for you! Stress can cause headaches, muscle tension, fatigue and a number of other issues. Chiropractic care and massage therapy are great ways to help reduce stress in…
Vitamin D Deficiency…In The Summer??
Did you know that Vitamin D deficiency can happen not only in the winter but also in the summer? As many of you know, this summer so far has been lacking in the amount of sunshine that we normally have…